Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nikki's Niche-Now What?

Here's a mostly-finished trapper board.  NOW I want YOUR help in deciding where to put it/how to finish it!

Here are some ideas beyond holding pictures in my hallway.....

1. A curtin rod.  I would make a second set...maybe.

2. A pesky single sock sorter. 

3.Or the ever functional paper sorter for my "office"

Any more ideas? Tell me what you think- I'd LOVE to hear from you!


  1. I like the laundry idea! It might also be fun to turn it around (so the clips face up) and hold pictures, catds, or even flowers in a window display. Or hang it longways on a wall and use it as a Monday-Friday note holder, list maker, or chore reminder. Can't wait to see what you do!

  2. A weekly to do calendar? It looks like you have one for each day:0)
