Monday, March 19, 2012

Laundry Ladder

Laundry Ladder

I started Pinterest-ing about 8 months ago, and one of the first things I saw was this ladder from Little Lucy Lu. 

I loved it, and my laundry room is large and..very very empty.  I knew I wanted to decorate my downstairs before I dedicated any time or effort into the one place I did NOT want to be!:) I'm sure some of you can relate!
I sent the picture to the hubs and low and behold when I got home he had gone to Lowes and picked up some 2x4's and some 1" dowels.  (love him)  He knew I wanted the old feel, as if we too happened to have an old ladder laying around so he got wood with the most knots and rustic feel. ;)

So, while he cut my 2x4's and 1" dowels I took myself to Lowe's in search of the perfect paint color.
He cut my dowels about 24" long so that I had plenty of room to hang drying clothes.. I can't trust my clothes in the dryer..
The hubs pieced it all together for me and I started painting..
I used a foam brush to lightly coat the whole thing in black, if I missed a spot, I didn't go back for it.  After it finished drying, I coated the whole thing in red.  I wish I had picked a slightly lighter red, I didn't factor in the black underneath but I still love it.  After the red finished drying, I sanded a few edges to give it a little wear... We bought some hooks and chains at Lowe's as well, and it was hung in no time. 

My picture is not nearly as cute as hers.. I might have used my phone.. ;) ( I have my camera card, and battery..but no camera?!)
I thought this project would take a lot longer than it did.. seriously took 2 days, and I'm LOVING it!  Still lots of work to do in the laundry room, but this was a pretty good start!

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